Devlog 4-23-20: New First Boss!


I am VERY late to this devlog. The good news is I've been doing a ton of gamedev. The bad news is I haven't been working on this game specifically.

I made a game for Ludum Dare 46 last weekend with my friend Evan, you can check it out here! Ludum dare always tends to burn me out, so I might not get a lot  done for D4RK this week. That said, I got some cool stuff done over the last month!

New Boss!

This boss is meant to be the tutorial boss where you learn how to use your reflect! The boss has an initial phase (where he's still arriving through a portal of darkness) where the game explicitly tells you how to reflect:

After you've taken this phase out, the true boss emerges! (Surprise, it's that jellyfish I drew in 10 minutes last year):

I had a ton of fun with shaders during this fight for some of the water effects. I also have new Boss-stagger FX!

I'm now working on the Boss's final attack, at which point I'm gonna revisit the music. I'm planning on layering the music (like I did in my Ludum Dare 46 game) such that different instruments come in at different points of the level. I already have the tools to do the seamless instrument transitions in Unity, so this shouldn't be too difficult.

I don't have a ton more to update on, but I'm realizing that this project is going to take a lot longer than I thought. I'm only one person, so I'm okay with taking a while to finish this game. Most of the games I love (including indie games) were made by teams of people, so it's important for me to acknowledge that I can't expect the same results in the same amount of time.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by! I've also been practicing my drawing a ton outside of gamedev, so hopefully that starts to manifest itself in my games.


Abhi Sundu

Get Dreams of D4RK


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Nah, it was just 39 days ago since the last devlog...

Just gotta say, the vfx are amazing, although I'm not shure about having them flash in blue when they are hit. Looks a bit out of place when everything else is in black and white. The bloom adds a nice feeling of polish, and it looks nice.


Haha, sorry about the long delay! I've been busy with other stuff.

Glad you like the VFX! The blue flash is actually a bug haha, it's supposed to be red but the colors are all inverted! Glad you liked the bloom too! Thanks for checking in!